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Just wanted to put in a request for a PDQ Deploy package for the classroom management software iTALC:

It would be great to have two versions: one that includes the master service for teacher computers and one that does have the master service for student computers. The student package would be the one most deployed though.


Nick Guidish



Date Votes
  • Hi Nick.

    Have you built any packages to deploy iTALC (one for teachers and one for the students)?

    Just giving this a cursory look it appears that an iTALC server is needed. If so does this server need to exist in the organization? Are the settings used for the installation relative to each organization or would one type of installation suffice? (For example, when you configure this in your school do you set custom properties, passwords, etc. ?)

    We would need more information on how to set this up. I need to add  that since this appears to apply to a small segment, i.e. Teachers, we probably wouldn't add it to the Package Library. We try to keep the Library up-to-date with commonly used applications. 


  • Shane,

    Thanks for getting back to me. I haven't yet attempted to set up a package for it. The couple of labs I've done so far have been more or less a manual process but it's taking off and I can see myself needing to do this to quite a few more labs. I suppose I could try to take some screenshots during the install because the log output seems to show the commands needed to install the service. There's a small amount of setup that needs to be done after the install but it's very minor and I expect that to always be a manual process.

    The server in this case is the teacher's desktop. The master component selected during install is just the GUI console that allows the teacher/presenter to manage the client computers.

    I understand if this doesn't get added to the package library. However, this program can't even walk down the street in the K-12 segment without getting recognized. Just sayin' ;)


  • There is an entry on WPKG's website regarding the silent installation for this. It looks like you can create an XML file containing the configuration you want and then pass that file as a parameter to the setup. You just need to make sure that the xml file is in the same directory as the Install File.

  • Thanks, looks good. I'll give it a shot.

  • Were you ever able to deploy iTalc with PDQ Deploy? I just need to push out an install for clients that does not do the server option when you install it. Thanks for any help.

  • Were you ever able to get this working with PDQ Deploy to push out ITalc? I'm hoping to do what you're wanting above. Just want to install it so it isn't picking the server option for client computers. Thanks for any help. The link to above doesn't make sense to me.


    Ryan Hawk

  • No, I never looked much more into it. I ended up not doing too many more installs so it wasn't worth the time to try to get the XML configuration working like Shane described. When I do an install of a lab I just use PDQ to copy the installer file to the local admin desktop, manually log in and then start the installer. We use the program with AD authentication so it's just a few clicks in the interface to get it set up.

  • Thanks Nick, I appreciate the info.

  • I tried to come up with an unattended silent install of iTalc about two years ago and just ended up giving up after a while. I just couldn't get it to work like it should.

    It involved copying the files from an existing client install, setting registry settings, setting up background services, and importing settings to italc.


    Luckily for me my school district ended up getting LanSchool and I was able to stop battling with iTalc setup.
