Not planned
I tried to build a uninstall package for the ShopAtHome toolbar but it is beyond my meager skills. Any plans to do more uninstall packages for things like PITA toolbars?
If you have PDQ Inventory (Pro or higher) you should be able to see the default uninstall string in the Applications window of a computer that has the toolbar. What is that command?
I am having the same problem. The uninstall string is - C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\ShopAtHome\ShopAtHomeToolbar\ShopAtHomeUn.exe
I tried the uninstall tool in PDQ Inventory 5 (Release2) Pro Mode but am not having any luck.
Jeff, you will need to find the silent parameter that ShopAtHome requires. The uninstall string from Inventory is pulled from the registry and is supplied by the vendor of the app. This is the command that is called when you attempt to uninstall via the Control Panel. This command usually calls the interactive uninstall routine. This means that it asks questions such as "Are you sure you want to uninstall?" What you want to do is find the silent parameter. One common parameter is /S. So try this.
C:\Users\user name\AppData\Roaming\ShopAtHome\ShopAtHomeToolbar\ShopAtHomeUn.exe /S
When PDQ Inventory sees the uninstall uses msiexec.exe it will automatically add the silent parameters. With EXE's you'll need to find the correct parameter.