Not planned
Visual Studio
Visual Studio installs are a real pain with multiple dependencies and currently requires us to visit and install a machine at a time. It also seems to break quite easily so a repair routine would also be super.
We have to deploy it a classroom at a time and would love this to be automated and PDQ'able.
Do you do paid, custom install creations?
If so, Sage is another one we have to do at the machine, one at a time.
Would be interested to hear your thoughts on this.
Cheers, Rob.
Hi Rob, we do not do custom packaging however we are happy to give suggestions on installations. Are you using the MSDN downloadable Visual Studio (i.e. not retail)?
Please send in a ticket to as it is easier to track back-and-forth in a ticket vs. forum.
Hey Robert,
5)Deploy it and enjoy!

I was able to create a Visual Studio 2013 premium install package in PDQ. The only downside is that it does a full install with all features. I haven't figure out how to select which features to install ( I am guessing it is done in the .XML file).
Here are the quick bullet points.
1) Get your ISO
2) Extract to where you'd like to deploy the software from (I have my "deployable software folder" in the server where I have PDQ installed.
3)Make sure to have the .xml file that comes with it, if you do not have it then run the vs_premium.exe /createadminfile ..etc
4)Then create a Installation package in PDQ and set the parameters. I have it to be silent and not to restart as you can see below:
I have also created an Uninstall package for it as well.
It works like a charm.
P.S these are MSDN downloadable VS. These are NOT retail as Shawn mentioned above.
Now I am trying to come up with a VS 2015 package.
Paulo Chavez
P.S make sure that you have the pre-requesites on the PC before installing VS. Like the .NETframework, etc etc..
Also, I am running the PDQ Pro license. On the free version you'd probably be able to do it via a batchfile?
Nice one Paulo, that looks the job.
We'll certainly give this a go and I'll let you know how we get on via this thread.
Thank you so much,
Has anyone got a reliable VS 2017 install package? I'm trying to install on WIN 7 and 10 machines.VS 2017 uses an Installer/Steamer now.
I do. I'll dig it up when I'm back to work
I'll only tried the online install as I only need Unity + Python for the students (--add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.CoreEditor --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.Python --add Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.ManagedGame --passive --wait) .
I haven't tried the network install. I can install the VS 2017 Community Instance on the machines but the the Workloads/components are empty
Does Microsoft Visual C++ 2017 Runtime 14.14.26405.0 need to be preinstalled on the target machines?
Can you post what you used for your Visual Studio I have a json file i am using but it seems it wont launch in PDQ. It just hangs and doesnt spit out an exit code.
Woops, I orphaned this didn't I! My apologies, here's my package. There are a few things you have to change in it, like the license key and version identifier.
Here's some helpful links that I used to get me going:
Creating the Network Installation:
Applying a license key with StorePID.exe:
And finally, my package xml:
Cheers Stephen