Not planned
Google Earth Pro
Now that "Google Earth Pro" is free, will that be replacing the old free "Google Earth" package?
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Now that "Google Earth Pro" is free, will that be replacing the old free "Google Earth" package?
It depends on the EULA. When I looked into this last Sunday just downloading Pro required providing an email address and then the license would be sent to that address. If that is how it needs to be obtained then we wouldn't be able to provide it.
This link shows that Google Earth Pro is indeed free to download without any kind of email address.
Any chance you guys would reconsider adding this to the repository?
Hi David, Section 2b of the EULA would prevent us from hosting this product in our Package Library.
If the user does the download of the software, Is there a way for you guys to give the steps on how to install the package from PDQ Deploy?
You can run the Google Earth exe, which will extract the MSI into the windows temp folder. From there you can install the MSI like a normal package.
How to Create a Basic MSI Package
Moved to Package Library Requests
Google has REMOVED the EXE from unpacking in %temp% and has now provided another way to install Google Earth silently with the OMAHA=1 switch IF you get the right download.
We wrote it up HERE if you want more details:
and you might also be interested to find out what is happening the Google Maps:
I hope this helps... it took me forever to figure out WTF was going on.
Hello, I am not quite sure how to word this properly so I'll tell you what I am trying to do in relation to my project. I have a non contiguous farm property boundary as a KMZ file. Inside this property boundary I have multiple polygons that represent fields. What I need is to make a KMZ that represents the area outside the fields but inside the property boundary. How do I do this?