Cant scan or Ping Legit PC's on my network
For some reason I have PC's Syncing from AD, that I cant scan or Ping, even if I try to add them by IP. I can ping them and get to them just fine with remote tools. I can log on to them just fine too. I tried updating PDQ, rebooting the server, refreshing DNS on the server and PC. I can ping them just fine from the Server just no thru PDQ INV. I tired removing them and re-adding them manually
The PC's firewalls are all off. The PC's are on the domain and online. Im stumped
I used the INV CMD tools from PDQ and I can ping it from there local but not remote? But the moment I try and scan with a ping it fails. Also tried different creds
Do you get any specific errors from the PDQ side for those PC's?
Usually when this happens for me, I have bad DNS entries. Log into your DNS server and make sure the IP for the PC matches on the DNS server, the PDQ server, and the PC.
Otherwise, make sure that the exclusions needed for PDQ to work have registered on the PC.
Firewall Ports and External Exceptions – PDQ Deploy & Inventory Help Center
Recommended Antivirus/Antimalware Exclusions for PDQ Products – PDQ Deploy & Inventory Help Center
Yes I think its on our DNS side