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Not planned

Packages for Schools

As a school we use quite a few different pieces of software, it would be a great help if these were also added to your fantastic line up of silent installs.


Kodu Game Lab

Flowol 4

Google Sketchup



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    These are great ideas, however, this was posted under Collections, so I've moved this post to the topic Package Library Requests - PDQ Deploy. 



  • Hi Mark,

    We used to offer Sketchup but the EULA changed over a year ago. The changes to the agreement effectively prohibited distribution via services like the Package Library.

    Flowol appears to require individuals to register before downloading. This also makes using the package library difficult.

    Kodu Game Lab may work with the library but we haven't had any other requests for it. I would recommend building custom packages for these programs. If you would like some help on building these packages let us know and we'll see if we can provide some pointers.
