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Not planned

Seafile Client for Windows


we would like to have Seafile Client for Windows in the package library, to make it available via auto update. As it's an MSI it should be easy to integrate. 


Thank you!



Date Votes
  • Official comment

    It's been decided to not make a package for this as of yet. We haven't had any more requests for it and it's a very easy package to make yourself.

    All you need to do and download the MSI, upload it into a new PDQ Deploy package and use the default parameters that automatically appear. This particular software doesn't have it's own parameters, they only use the default Microsoft parameters.

    Here is a link below showing how to create a basic package like this.

    How to Create a Basic MSI Package


  • Hey Marco,


    I've submitted a package for the Seafile client internally. Packages are added to the Library based on both what the publisher allows and popularity of that package. I'll comment again on this post once we have more information.


  • Thank you very much. I wait for your Feedback. 
