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Office 2010 and Office 2013

I'm trying to create a collection that displays PC with both Office 2010 and Office 2013.   Apparently the install of 2013 didn't FULLY remove 2010 off a lot of computers it left it in the Add/Remove Programs.  I'm having problems creating a collection that shows PCs with both.  



Date Votes
  • Do you have collections for 2010 and 2013? If so, copy one of them into the other.

  • This is one of those moments when you go "DOH" ... Thanks!

  • This solution did not work for me.  After copying 2010 collection to 2013 collection it creates a subcategory under 2010 and still separates them both.

    Solution: Create a dynamic collection where two existing computer collections are added as value filters:

    Computer - Collection - Is Member - [Select existing Microsoft Office 2010 dynamic collection]

    Computer - Collection - Is Member - [Select existing Microsoft Office 2013 dynamic collection]


    Kudos to Jason Hanks from Admin Arsenal Support for this information :)
