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Not planned

QGIS 2.12.3 Lyon (or later versions)

QGIS is a widely used GIS application that is regularly updated. Would it be possible to include this in your package library as this would save me time having to update our manual package every time a new version is released.

Our manual package is also configured to uninstall older versions as a first step, so including this functionality would be good.

Regards, Simon




Date Votes
  • This is an old thread. Since then the Latest Release is added to the package library, but not the requested LTR.

    We would like to have the LTR in there too. For many projects it is essential to have a stable, feature fixed version. At the moment that is 13.10.9, with new point versions every month. Would be great if that could be added.

  • Simon,

    I see there are 3 different releases. Which one would you think would be more beneficial in our package library.

    New Users, Long Term, or Advance Users release?




  • Waiting on internal approval.

  • It would be the Long Term release I am interested in.

  • Any idea how long internal approval takes?

    Does money speed up this process?
