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How can I Add/run WindowsupdateDiagnostic tool on any target machine from pdq inventory

Looking to troubleshoot windows updates corrupted on targets machines.

I have Enterprise PDQ Inventory.

I appreciate your help


Thank you



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  • Official comment

    Because you can't specify a computer parameter for Get-TroubleshootingPack and because you have to first create an answer file and then point to that answer file in order run the tool silently i would suggest running this as a package as apposed to an Inventory Tool. Follow the steps below.

    Step 1:

    Create an answer file called "WUDAnswers.xml" using the following lines.

    For Windows 8/8.1 and 10

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Answers Version="1.0">
    <Interaction ID="INT_AggressiveMode">

    For Windows 7

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <Answers Version="1.0" />


    Step 2:

    Create an package with a PowerShell step containing the following.

    Get-TroubleshootingPack -Path $env:SystemRoot\diagnostics\system\WindowsUpdate | Invoke-TroubleshootingPack -AnswerFile .\WUDAnswers.xml -Unattended -Result $env:HomeDrive\WUDResult


    Step 3:

    Attach the "WUDAnswers.xml" file you made earlier to the files field of the same PowerShell step you just created.

    The results of the scan should be located inside "%HOMEDRIVE%\WUDResult" (C:\WUDResult). The results aren't easy to read, but the scan does seem to work.

    You could also download and extract the "windowsupdatediagnostic" folder from the "WindowsUpdateDiagnostic.diagcab" file and point the powershell script to that, you may need to create your own answerfile using the following script.

    Get-TroubleshootingPack path\windowsupdatediagnostic -AnswerFile $env:HomeDrive\WUDAnswers.xml


  • Are you referring to the Windows Update Troubleshooter that is built into Windows 8/8.1 and 10 or the WindowsUpdateDiagnostic.diagcab file?

  • Nate, I ran this package and it did in deed create a report :) any idea on how to read it lol.

  • @Frederick, trying opening it with Internet Explorer.

  • WTF lol thanks man!!!  Should have thought of that first
