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Dynamic Collection using File and Directories filter

Hello PDQ,

I'm trying to show all computers with a particular file on it.

So the first thing I did was create a new Scan Profile.  I then pointed to the exact file that needs to be there.


I then scanned all the computers using this profile

I created a dynamic collection looking for the product name that contains SOLIDWORKS 2020

The problem is, I still have computers showing up where the Files and Directories area is completely empty.  So obviously they don't have SOLIDWORKS 2020, but they are still in my list.

What am I doing wrong?



Date Votes
  • Update, I've noticed the filter works if there ARE files in the files and directories area of a computer and the SLDWRKS file is not there.  It's only when the Files and Directories section is blank that the computer remains in the dynamic group

  • Another update, I don't know why, but eventually those computers did disappear from the list even though they didn't right away after I did a scan on them.  Either way, it seems to be working correctly.
