SQL Report - All Computers That Are Members Of A Specific Collection
Using the following powershell code to get the PSSQLite Module
If (!(Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "NuGet"})) {Install-PackageProvider -Name "NuGet" -Scope AllUsers -Force -ErrorAction Stop}
Install-Module -Name "PSSQLite" -Scope AllUsers -Force -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
Import-Module -Name "PSSQLite" -Force -Verbose -ErrorAction Stop
$DB = New-SQLiteConnection -DataSource "\\YourServer\C$\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\Database.db" -ReadOnly
$Query = @"
Computers.Name as "Name",
Computers.Manufacturer as "Manufacturer",
Computers.Model as "Model"
From Computers
Invoke-SqliteQuery -SQLiteConnection $DB -Query $Query
This returns a native powershell object directly from the database which can be filtered, sorted, and piped. Its the best! I mainly like this because it allows me to design a collection, and when creating a rollout schedule, I can select 20 random workstations, 50 random workstations from the general population to receive an update or patch by placing them in a static collection. Allows for better tracking and so forth.
What SQL query can I use to find all computers that are a member of a specific collection?
Second question: Can PDQ make something like this available (Powershell Module or Built In), that allows adding the random results to a static collection?
Many Thanks In Advance!!!