Visual Studio 2017 Professional
I'm wondering if anyone out in the PDQverse has successfully created a VS.NET 2017 Pro Deployment package?
I keep running into where it starts the installer and it just sits there. Most time PDQ says it was successful even though it wasn't. I've tried application install and powershell, but both produce the same just sitting idle installer.
Are the two resources I've used.
I was able to get it to install ONCE using powershell but PDQ deploy immediately said it was successful even though the install was going on. Tried the --wait command and that still didn't help PDQ from stating it was successful immediately.
I deploy enterprise once a semester to a lab for our programming coursework.
Note about this package, you'll need to find the right product code for the license application step. You can find information about those codes here:
For convenience here is the table from that page:
So I kind of know why it thinks it's successful but the process are still completing the install.
I'm thinking I need to run a step 2 to watch the process which is what I'm looking into now. I just was looking if someone else has done it differently.
@Stephen Valdinger
2017 has gone away with the admin xml file. It has been replaced with a respone.json file. I had a PDQ Deployment for 2015 that was working with out a hitch.
It's just the changes on 2017 that are being a pita.
That XML file is the create a PDQ Deploy package. Has nothing to do with VS 2017's actual install.