Reaching multiple servers from one server?
Due to the size of our network we have had to install PDQ Deploy (and Inventory) at multiple locations (in server mode). Can I install the PDQ Deploy (and Inventory) clients on one machine and then just make copies of the shortcut and add some command line switches to have each shortcut point to a different server install?
Something like these shortcuts:
pdqdeploy.exe /
pdqdeploy.exe /
pdqinventory.exe /
pdqinventory.exe /
This way I don't have to remote into each server's install to work on it be it PDQDeploy or PDQInventory
We don't have any command line options, but you can use a command in your shortcut to change the registry value.
"HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Protocol\ServerHostName"
Got it, thanks Colby.