Collection with certain OSes and Hot Fix not filtering what I want
Hi, all. I have a Dynamic Collection that I want to show the O/S I specify that do not have a certain hot fix. I have the following filters:
Computer - O/S - Matches Expression - ^Server 2012$|^7$|^2008 R2$ (this is working)
Hot Fix - Name - Does Not Contain - KB3140245 (I get computers with and without this hot fix)
How do I get this to only show computers without the hot fix? I have tried moving the hot fix filter out so I could use All, Any, Not All, and Not Any without success.
Thank you.
Try this one to build your OS Version around this:
Changing my collection filters based on what you showed above, it now works. I did not added the never scanned filter since the computers have to have been scanned to get the O/S. Thanks for the help.
Here is what the collection filters look like now:
I also tested a collection that more closely resembles yours and I got the same results: