Sophos Error Code 1
Hi, I've started using PDQ Deploy to install SophosSetup.exe as a package with the parameters --quiet. It works great about 80% of the time. The rest of the time it errors out with an Error Code 1 and kills the sequence. Checking the target PC and I find that Sophos installed correctly, so I am unsure why it is failing. Anyone run into this before?
Is there an output log in PDQ? Are there any clues in the log generated by the installer (
Error code 1 isn't in Sophos' return code table... If you've never seen a legitimate failure with return code 1, you could also set that as a success code... although that's not ideal since legitimate failures could show up as a success. (
Hi, I've just started PDQ Deploy myself and found that '--quiet' works (this time around). I was referring to but wasn't working. My biggest install issue with Sophos in the past was the 'Remote Registry' service hadn't Started on the machine.
Posting in case this is helpful to anyone still having this issue, but my case I found it was a pending reboot for an update that was causing the error.
Thanks Derik, the PC had a reboot waiting. When it came back up, Sophos installed like normal.