Sophos Error Code 1
Hi, I've started using PDQ Deploy to install SophosSetup.exe as a package with the parameters --quiet. It works great about 80% of the time. The rest of the time it errors out with an Error Code 1 and kills the sequence. Checking the target PC and I find that Sophos installed correctly, so I am unsure why it is failing. Anyone run into this before?
Posting in case this is helpful to anyone still having this issue, but my case I found it was a pending reboot for an update that was causing the error.
Thanks Derik, the PC had a reboot waiting. When it came back up, Sophos installed like normal.
Is there an output log in PDQ? Are there any clues in the log generated by the installer (
Error code 1 isn't in Sophos' return code table... If you've never seen a legitimate failure with return code 1, you could also set that as a success code... although that's not ideal since legitimate failures could show up as a success. (
Hi, I've just started PDQ Deploy myself and found that '--quiet' works (this time around). I was referring to but wasn't working. My biggest install issue with Sophos in the past was the 'Remote Registry' service hadn't Started on the machine.