Scan after Deploy doesn't seem to work?
I'm trialing PDQ Deploy & Inventory and am having an issue getting things to scan after a deployment.
I checked in Preferences and I do have the "Scan After Deployment" box checked and set to default scan profile. I checked the package I'm deploying (Windows updates from August and 7Zip), and it's set to "Scan After Deployment (program default)".
However, every time a deployment runs, the computer still shows up in the "Out of date" folder. If I then right click the computer or group and manually do a scan, it sees that the program has updated and moves the computer to the "Up to date" folder.
Is there something else I need to set or any reason the deploy wouldn't kick off the inventory scan like it's supposed to?
Hi Kelemvor,
I believe this feature only works within an Enterprise version, here is a snippet from their documentation
Regards Triggels