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Is there any way to add a column for "Current Version" when looking at Collection Libraries


If I go into Browsers and choose Firefox, it tells me how many machines have FF Current, FF Not installed, or FF Old. If I click on the Old group to see who's in there, I want an easy way to see which old version the various people are running. I looked under Edit Columns but didn't see anything about showing the installed version of the program. Is there any way to add that in?

The only thing I've found to do so far is open up each computer and look through the installed applications to find the program I'm working with but that's hugely time consuming...




1 comment
Date Votes
  • It is not possible. Best option is to use a report. Attached screenshots below. You can also expand this by changing the variable to a certain version number you want to look for.


    report 2

    report 3
