Scan step problems - Never runs - Never times out - Uses Default Scan Profile
Hello PDQ people.
I am using "PDQ Deploy 17 Enterprise Mode - Central Server" and "PDQ Inventory 16 (Release 5) Enterprise Mode - Central Server)". The scanning profile I use is set to a single registry entry. The scan runs with no problem when it is started manually. I haven't noticed other problems between Deploy and Inventory (Such as deployment to collection).
As the title says, I am having some difficulty during a scan step:
Problem 1: I have had the step running for 20 minutes or more. It is running in PDQ deploy, but nothing happens in Inventory.
Problem 2: The step is supposed to timeout after 10 minutes but it does not. I assume it is because the scan actually never starts.
Problem 3: I don't know if this is a visual thing. When the step launches in Deploy, it is listed as "Scan registry key (default scan profile)". That seems strange. I would think that it should be shown as "Scan registry key ([scan profile name])".
Do you have Deploy and Inventory installed in a non-default location? If so, please contact for a customer build.
I have both installed in the default location.
Edit: To clarify they are both installed in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Admin Arsenal". Also no scans will work as a scan step, but they work when running after deployment as set on the package.
Did this get resolved? I seem to be having the same issue.