Imaging prep for agent
Apologies if this has already been asked and answered. I searched and couldn't find anything relating to this.
Is there a way to prep the agent install for imaging? I'd imagine the default installation would include some GUID specific information that would screw up adding an agent to an image intended for deployment to multiple machines.
Thanks in advance.
We are announcing the End of Life (EOL) of the optional PDQ Agent beta from our existing products. See this blog post for more information
Is there a specific reason for installing the Agent into the image? I generally advise against putting any software into your images. That's why we have PDQ, right?
I baked a bunch of software into my images because I was originally hired to assist with a hardware refresh but the only endpoint management software they had was LogMeIn and a sad WDS server. Had to create images and deploy hardware immediately and didn't have time to build out and learn a new software deployment system so I just baked in everything a standard user could possibly use. 4 years later I still havent updated the images (haha) and just use Deploy to uninstall all the baked in crap, creating a software baseline, before installing only the software that user needs.
I just very recently discovered that this agent is available and I am investigating if it could be useful to us.
I have a situation where baking in some software, especially the agent, may be desirable. The organization I work for has very remote sites with poor internet access (on not at all). I've been tasked with creating Window install media that can be installed on these remote machines that may not have access to the domain on a consistent basis. We'd like to be able to get inventory data from these machines when they do connect. So I'm thinking in this cases putting the agent and other software into the image is beneficial.
Is there anything that I would need to do to make the deployment of this image and the agent work?