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Install Metadata Assitant with elevated privilege

I use the command line "msiexec.exe /i "MA5Enterprise.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /norestart /log output.log" to install Metadata Assistant in Windows 7 and it works fine. But when I use the same line for Windows 10, it installs (with registry access denied errors) and the Outlook plugin will not work. I contact Payne (makers of Metadata Assistant) and they say it has to be installed with elevated privilege.

I copy it to the Windows 10 laptop and run it from an administrator cmd prompt, and it installs fine...add-in works. Everything I read here SAYS pdq installs with elevated privilege, but that does not seem to be the case for me, even though the account it is using is a domain admin account.

Any ideas?




Date Votes
  • Have you tried to run the package as "local system"?

  • Why no, I haven't. First I've heard of that (still new at this). I'll look into it and see if I can figure it out. Any tips will be appreciated. Thanks.

  • Why no, I haven't. First I've heard of that (still new at this). I'll look into it and see if I can figure it out. Any tips will be appreciated. Thanks.

  • I see it. Under Options/Run As. I try it out later this morning. Thanks.

  • Crapola. That did not work. Any other idea's?

  • Saw another post somewhere that said to add /X to the Command Line and that seems to have fixed it for me. Now my command line is as follow:

    msiexec.exe /i "MA5Enterprise.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /X /norestart /log output.log


  • My above post seems to drop a key part of the command line...after the /X there should be the word GUID inside of squiggle brackets {} like this... {GUID}. if this does not post I will try a screenshot.

  • msiexec.exe /i "MA5Enterprise.msi" ALLUSERS=1 /qn /X{GUID} /norestart /log output.log
