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No response from external agent


I'm trying to deploy the agent to a users home laptop.

I added their laptop to PDQ Inventory by name. Then exported the agent manual install xml file. Copied it along witht eh agent installer exe to theri PC and ran the install.

But I'm not seeing the agetn check in. If I set off a scan I just get "Sending Wake", when that times out it says "offline settings"

I'm running Inventory 16.5 & deploy 17 I've restarted the services for both on the server which i running in server central mode.

Is there anything I've missed or are there any logs I can check on both the serer or client to track what's happening?




Date Votes
  • Official comment

    We are announcing the End of Life (EOL) of the optional PDQ Agent beta from our existing products. See this blog post for more information

  • Just found the output log on the laptop which shows....

  • ok, so the output.log on the remote client shows....


    This is the log that appears if I run PDQInventoryScanner.exe.

  • The latest Customer Builds contain many Agent improvements. Please contact to request those.
