Step for waiting for reboot PDQ Deploy
Hey, is there a way to wait for reboot before continuing the steps?
I am running a Powershell script to Windows Update and I need PDQ to wait for a reboot to complete before running more steps.
Give the Sleep Step a try.
The deployment will pause at the sleep step for however much time you specify and then resume the subsequent steps.
I will give it a shot, thanks!!
Currently I am not sure if my step in PDQ will finish before or after the reboot starts. I put it on 6 minutes just in case. I need about 3 reboots to complete Windows Update complete which usually means deploying the same package 3 times but if 2 sleep steps will fix it then hooray!
Can you tell the PowerShell step to not reboot, then use a Reboot step? The Reboot step waits for the computer to come back online before moving to the next step.
I have thought about doing this but would the reboot step wait until the powershell command is finished? My last powershell step before reboot is currently: PowerShell -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Command Import-Module PSWindowsUpdate; Get-WUInstall -MicrosoftUpdate -AcceptAll -AutoReboot
I can change to -IgnoreReboot to not auto reboot and the next reboot step will reboot when this command is finished?