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Auto Install Agent

Wondering if there a way to auto install the PDQ agent within PDQ Inventory or do we have to use Deploy?

If we have to use deploy, where can I find the agent install file?




Date Votes
  • Official comment

    We are announcing the End of Life (EOL) of the optional PDQ Agent beta from our existing products. See this blog post for more information

  • There is currently no way to automatically trigger Agent installations in Inventory. You have to use Deploy.

    The Agent installer is located here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\AgentInstaller.exe

    Here's a package you can import:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <AdminArsenal.Export Code="PDQDeploy" Name="PDQ Deploy" Version="" MinimumVersion="15.0">
        <CurrentLibraryPackageVersionId value="null" />
        <PackageDefinition name="Definition">
          <Conditions type="list">
              <InventoryCollectionId value="null" />
          <InventoryScanProfileId value="1" />
          <IsDownloadApprovalModeInherited value="true" />
          <ScanAfterDeployment value="false" />
          <Steps type="list">
              <FileName>C:\Program Files (x86)\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\AgentInstaller.exe</FileName>
              <Files>C:\Program Files (x86)\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Inventory\AgentInstaller.Config.xml</Files>
              <IncludeDirectory value="false" />
              <LeaveInstallFile value="false" />
              <MsiQuiet value="true" />
              <Parameters>/S /Config AgentInstaller.Config.xml</Parameters>
              <RunAs value="null" />
              <Conditions type="list">
                  <InventoryCollectionId value="null" />
              <Title>Install PDQ Inventory Agent</Title>
              <IsEnabled value="true" />
              <IsPostStep value="false" />
              <IsPreStep value="false" />
          <Timeout value="60" />
          <UseCustomTimeout value="false" />
          <RunAs value="null" />
        <NewLibraryPackageVersionId value="null" />
        <OriginalId value="null" />
        <IsAutoDownload value="false" />
        <FolderId value="null" />
        <LibraryPackageVersionId value="null" />
        <Name>PDQ Inventory Agent with Config</Name>
        <Path>PDQ Inventory Agent with Config</Path>
        <PackageDisplaySettings name="DisplaySettings">
          <SortOrder value="21" />
  • Thank you!

  • Hello,

    Is this package suitable for linking to the built-in Inventory collections under

    PDQ Agent > PDQ Agent (Not Installed)

    PDQ Agent > PDQ Agent (Old)

    ie. will it install (or upgrade itself) to computers in these collections?

    Thanks in advance.

  • Yes, you can link it to Not Installed. You don't need to link it to Old because Inventory automatically updates the Agent once it's installed.

  • Is this still the recommended solution for deploying the agent using Deploy to new machines? Thanks!

  • Yes, but there are extra details in this blog post:

  • Awesome, thank you!
