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Access Denied: Failed to connect to target share

So i have created a Service account that has been deployed to all the machine. The policy has been received by the computers in quest with permission as "Log on as a service". For 99% of the machines this has been fine.

I test on 1 machine and when i added the service as admin and then i could communicate with it. I tested with the firewall off for domain and it made no difference. I can connect to \hostname\admin$ so i know that working as Domain\Admin, but not as the service account for PDQ. Curious what the cause could be??

Remote Repair screen



Date Votes
  • Check out the KB linked below. Most the time I will need to enable LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy or make sure network sharing is on. I don't recall seeing the read permission error though, so it could be access related.

  • I read that Kb a few time, but making UAC setting more laps wont happen on out sites unfortunately. if anything we will be tighening things up.. why does it work on most machine, but not on some others is the million dollar question i have.
