New user having some issues.
Hi All,
Just installed Deploy and Inventory, purchased both so running in Enterprise mode. I have encountered some issues, wonder if anyone can help. Issues as below:
Scan after deployment is not working. I have tried every which way of configuring it, including having it selected simultaneously in preferences, package and schedule settings.
If I schedule a deployment (which succeeds) then uninstall the package from the target PC and then reschedule the same package to be deployed again to the same target, it does not run . There is no error, it just does not install.
Thanks Craig
OK so I think I have solved this. I did not realise this, but it appears that Deploy uses the 'Target history' of the schedule to decide whether or not to actually perform a deployment. I deleted the target history for the PC I was working with and it then deployed and scanned.
If you want a package to attempt to re-deploy each time a schedule is kicked off go to the options tab in that schedule and un-check 'Stop deploying to targets once they succeed'.