PDQ Agent preventing Windows Monthly Rollup
I experienced an issue on a laptop recently, which has the PDQ agent installed. Microsoft's Monthly rollups had been failing to install each month for around 4 months and I finally wanted to resolve this.
I posted logs to Sysnative and someone suggested uninstalling the PDQ agent and retrying. The Microsoft update then installed first time. The 4 months of failed updates tallies with the time I rolled out the agent.
See following articles
All issues were resolved by temporarily uninstalling the PDQ agent.
I just want to check whether PDQ are aware of this, as the latest reply in the 1st link suggests Sysnative have already contacted you about this.
We are announcing the End of Life (EOL) of the optional PDQ Agent beta from our existing products. See this blog post for more information https://www.pdq.com/blog/pdq-agent-status-update/
Hey there, you'll want to get with us over at support@pdq.com we have a build to help with this.