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Adobe XD

Asked this question during the past Thursday's PDQ Live - Deploy Creative Cloud - The Suite Life.

Could you demonstrate deploying Adobe XD please.

You set up the Install using the .msi file but I wanted to know if the deployment succeeded.

I have tried both the setup.exe --silent and the .msi with the standard default parameters, but they fail.

Setup - error code 6

MSI - error code 1603



Date Votes
  • I'm assuming your deploying CC 2019 created through the Adobe Admin console. This is specific to Adobe XD only. For the other Adobe apps, target the msi file and use the default parameters set by PDQ.

    Been rushing through, so will have to circle back and analyze the logs more, but for the time being, through some tests, what worked for me was using

    Install step >> targeting the "setup.exe" Parameters >> --silent Options > Run As > Local System (use package setting)

    So far on a few test systems it is deploying fine.

  • The output logs from 1603 errors typically have a real reason the install failed, but you will need to read through the logs to find them. I typically search for fail or error and read the messages.

  • Hi Chris,

    Can you confirm during the PDQ live session - whether the deployment the guys demonstrated worked or not? You guys ended the session broadcast while it was still deploying.

    Reason I posed the question during the live session was to observe and see if the deployment would be successful.

    With regards to the logs, do you mean the "output log" file in PDQ deploy?

  • The deployment for XD had initially failed on the webcast machine with the 1603 error. I ran the test again on a Win 7, 8, and 4 Windows 10 versions and all MSI installs received the 1603 error, even on machines that were fresh and sparkly new from the VM-maker machine.

    Using the setup.exe, I was able to get the error code 6 on three of the six deployments (the other three succeeded). I did change the Package "Run As" option to Deploy User (interactive) rather than the standard Deploy User. On the three machines that had that exit code, I deleted the Program Files/Adobe directory and tried again and got the same result.

    I then ensured the machines were updated and rebooted those machines. Upon deploying, I had the same result. All three machines still failed with the error code 6.

    So, I tried running the install from the command line using the setup.exe and a network share to the installer. Basically, this reproduces the setup exactly as Deploy would perform it but from an elevated command prompt within the target OS. This also failed with the same error code 6.

    As a last test, I copied over the installation directory in full over to the failed machines. I then ran the setup.exe --silent from a command prompt locally on one machine, ran the msi command on another, and then manually ran the msi file (double-click method) on the last machine.

    On the one where I ran the setup with the --silent parameter, it failed. On the second where I ran the msi command, it failed with a 1603 error. On the third machine where I ran the msi installer manually, it also failed with the 1603 error.

    The failures occurred on Windows 7, 8.1, and Windows 10 1607. All other Windows 10 versions past 1607 succeeded using the setup.exe. That is curious! I did some checking on why this might be, and indeed, XD will not install on Windows versions older than 1703.

  • Hey Brigg,

    Wow.....that is some testing! Thanks for being thorough!

    I'm working on something else at the moment, but I was able to successfully install Adobe XD using setup --silent via command line locally. Testing system - Windows 10 v1803

    But same via PDQ - nada. đŸ˜¦

    I'm going to come back to this a little later but thinking I will copy over all the files, and call the setup via a batch file.

    UPDATE (5th December) : No luck via PDQ using a batch file to call on the setup.exe sitting locally on the computer I want to install it on. Same error code 6.

  • I'm having the same issue deploying Adobe CC, were you able to find a solution?


  • Hello, fist my english is not very good.

    My recommandations for Adobe CC 2019 Not install all Adobe soft in same time ( Cut this into two or three pack) - it's easier to debug

    1 - BASE : Acrobat, photoshop, illustrator, indesign, audition,...

    2 - Multimedia: premiere, after effect,...

    3 - MOST important - only all new generation adobe application on same pack: XD, RUSH, literoom (not classic)

    When one of the applications fails, the entire package is uninstalled, so if the applications are not compatible with your OS then everything is uninstalled. That's why I separate the packets.

    Problems common to adobe products

    It is most likely that an adobe sycn error will occur during the second pack install (when separate pack)

    I rename this files (you cannot delete- is locked) and I restart before installing Adobe products C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CoreSyncExtension\CoreSync_x64.dll to .old C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CoreSyncExtension\CoreSync_x86.dll to .old

    For Adobe XD, it is not mentioned but you need the c ++ runtimes. I have installed the following and the XD installation is working now.

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Runtime SP1 10.0.40219

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Runtime 11.0.61030

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime Update 5

    Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2019 Runtime 14.22.27821.0

    Good luck,Steve

  • PTL solution helped me. Thanks.
