PDQ Inventory License Check stopped working
I today got the message in my PDQ Inventory 16.5 that theres a new version available (16.6). I downloaded it and tried to install. But the installer shows the error: PDQ Inventory License Check stopped working. If I install it on a fresh computer it installs fine. If I click debug, the installer opens and updates the invenotry but afterwards the inevntory not opens anymore.
Has anything changed in the new version? Are there any new system rquirements? A reinstallation of the inventory brings the same errors and the .Net Framework is fine, PDQ Deploy works as it should. I now installed Inventory 16.5 again, which still works.
Greetings Benedikt
This is a known bug we are investigating. Here's what you can try:
If that doesn't work, please contact support@pdq.com.
That worked, thank you very much!
Thanks, had the very same issue.
After upgrading to 16.6 from 16.5, the CPU/memory usage seems to have dropped for PDQ Inventory 😃