Deploy PDQ Agent with GPO ?
I'm sysadmin on a network were some machines are in located sub-network so that they are not accessible from my PDQ Deploy/Inventory server, but they can access to the server. For this reason, I need to install PDQ agent. (other solutions ?) As these machines can access AD, they can fire GPO configuration and GPO software installation (base on msi or script). Is there a way to automatically install PDQ Agent from GPO, and push the configuration so that theses machines will be connected to PDQ station ? Thank you
We are announcing the End of Life (EOL) of the optional PDQ Agent beta from our existing products. See this blog post for more information
You should be able to base it off of this:
Just be careful how many Agents you install:
Hello Colby,
Thank you for your answer. I finally achieve to install the agent via GPO (and not via PDQ deploy) but I still get a problem. From PDQ Inventory after installation and configuration, I can list all workstations, since PDQ get it from the AD. Then I can see more informations about each machines while they are going online.
By default (without agent), only machines reachables from PDQ Invetory server can be saw online. As the others are behind a personnal router (for testing purpose), PDQ Server cannot directelly reach the workstation, event if these workstations can reach PDQ server.
Via GPO, I install on all workstations PDQ Agent using the default config file extract from PDQ Installation folder.
But even if the agent is well installed, these machines are not saw online (Agent status = Not Installed). But if I connect this machine (with agent installed) directely to the same network than PDQ server (and wait for the machine to be see online) and plug it back to his personal sub network, PDQ Inventory can see the workstation thank to the agent (mode internal).
How to get the agent working without doing this deplacement ?
Thank you
The Agent installation method I provided only works if the target has already been scanned by Inventory. To install the Agent on a non-scanned target you have to generate a config file that is specific to that target. Therefore, you cannot do it automatically.