External Clients on a Schedule Never Run
Is there something I'm doing? I set a "schedule" to run a deploy on heartbeat which works on internal clients only. External ones never kick off. I have about 30 clients that work remote. If I "deploy once" it will work on remote clients that are online.
Version: Enterprise Mode
Thanks, Shawn
We are announcing the End of Life (EOL) of the optional PDQ Agent beta from our existing products. See this blog post for more information
Only packages from the library will deploy to external clients.
What Does the Agent Not Do? As of PDQ Inventory 16 and PDQ Deploy 17:
Deploy edited, or custom packages from your PDQ Server. Some features, like the Services and Processes pages and Remote Tools, do not currently work with External Agents.
These are packages from the library. Any or all of them don't deploy to external agents via schedule. "Deploy once" will work, but if I put a heartbeat schedule the external's will not.
Thanks, Shawn
Seems like Heartbeat schedule conflict. The devices may change state, but quicker than the heartbeat interval is updating on the server. So the server does not see a change in state. Would it work if you place it on a time slot instead of heartbeat? Another idea is to set heartbeat to scan more often. Briggs went into more detail about the heartbeat on this post.
"For heartbeat to work, a state change must be recognized, meaning the machine has to be marked as offline in the database and then come back online.
Let's say you have a heartbeat interval set to every five minutes or 300 seconds. We send out a heartbeat at 5:10pm and the machine is marked as online. At 5:11pm the machine restarts. The machine comes back online at 5:14pm. Another heartbeat is sent at 5:15pm and the machine status remains unchanged (online) since the heartbeat never had the opportunity to mark the machine as offline. In this case, the heartbeat trigger would not be initiated even though the machine did reboot."
Ok. If I set the schedule to once it works for the external clients.
My external clients work random times. Your heartbeat explanation makes sense but I have external clients that are offline right now but "Agent last seen" is after this schedule was put in place last week. Their computers register offline atleast once a day from what I can see, so something is up with the heartbeat on externals.
Since schedules other than heartbeat works I'll have to maybe do a interval one...not sure how that will go for consuming resources.
Thanks, Shawn
The interval one seems to be working great. Hopefully the heartbeat gets fixed soon, I would think that one would get these updates pushed out faster. Thanks. Shawn