Deploy Dell BIOS and Driver Updates
We have about 40 workstations in our environment. All are Dell, but we only have about 5 of any given model. We are still running Windows 7 and I am looking for guidance on how to update drivers and BIOS on these systems. I am new to PDQ Deploy and Inventory so haven't even scratched the surface of what is possible. Does anyone use PDQ to manage these updates? If so, can you provide instructions? I have found various articles and instructions on slipstreaming drivers with OS deployment but am struggling to find anything current and/or relevant to our environment. If deploying through PDQ, do I need to download individual drivers for each component and utilize multiple steps, download the family pack (if it is available) or what is the process?
Any help is appreciated.
You can do drivers through Windows Update and, by extension, WSUS. As far as the BIOS, I've had to do that before and it was a real nightmare. A lot of updates are .exe files but they require input or they are just a self-extracting file that you have to import from the BIOS itself. Silent deployment documentation is sporadic at best so YMMV on this one.
PDQ and DCU work great together and do exactly what you want, single setup for every (compatible) model.
I don't know how often they're releasing Windows 7 versions, though.
Grant, Am looking at the link you referenced and working to set something up. Do you recommend deploying DCU first and using that, or just creating an update package for each model with all the different drivers that need to be updated?
Thank you.
Please check out this blog
Easiest way is to use Dell Command via command line. No manual downloads or needing to check serials.
Install DCU silently with PDQ Deploy if it's not already there. You can grab the latest version off of Dell's website. Silent install switches should autopopulate once you plug it into PDQ deploy. Note that a reboot is recommended after a fresh install.
Once installed, or if it's already present, run the following command line via Deploy, or manually per PC via Deploy/Inventory.
"C:\Program Files\Dell\CommandUpdate\dcu-cli.exe" /applyUpdates -silent -reboot=enable
Note that depending on the install it may be located under Program Files(x86) instead.
Other switches can be found here.
Or, if you really want to have the best environment for Dell PCs where you can do this and much more, get Quest KACE.