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Uninstall w/wildcards for Yahoo Search Set

Hi All,

Is there a way for PDQ, or a script, to allow a wildcard in a path to uninstall software? e.g. Yahoo Search Set. For example, Yahoo is one of those fantastic companies that uses a random ID in their uninstall process making it difficult for mass removal. Here's a list of 3 different PC's with it installed and the uninstall command:

PC1: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Yahoo!\yset{6C65AE16-DBA3-7740-B2F9-6487B83696A1}\unset.exe"
PC2: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Yahoo!\yset{4EAB7C76-98E3-9E4B-8369-A856659E96B8}\unset.exe"
PC3: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Yahoo!\yset{7EADCBA3-B431-904C-B312-4F13A62D76B7}\unset.exe"

I'm looking for a creative way to essentially do this in my uninstall package; wildcard the unique ID and keep the rest of the path since that doesn't change.

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Yahoo!\yset*\unset.exe"

If it needs to be a script, is it possible to dig into 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Yahoo!\yset', then search each subfolder for 'unset.exe' and execute it?

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.




Date Votes
  • I would LOVE to be able to do this for those programs that include their version numbers in their install path (I'm looking at you Adobe!).

  • Since the majority of the path is the same, you could gather those items with PowerShell and wild cards.

    For Example, iTunes in my repository:

    Get-Item D:\Repository\Apple\iTunes\*\32\iTunes.msi
        Directory: D:\Repository\Apple\iTunes\\32
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    -a----        3/22/2017   8:07 PM      150200320 iTunes.msi
        Directory: D:\Repository\Apple\iTunes\\32
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    -a----        7/19/2017   1:44 PM      153620480 iTunes.msi
        Directory: D:\Repository\Apple\iTunes\\32
    Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
    ----                -------------         ------ ----
    -a----        9/11/2017   4:19 PM      151175168 iTunes.msi

    Then with your example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Yahoo!*\unset.exe That should work for getting all those different versions. You'll want to store it into a variable, and for each object perform the desired task.

    I put in some extra output to demonstrate it was grabbing and running for each one of the found files, but here's basically what you could do: Example!

  • @chrisj Thank you for that! On your screenshot, and the 'Start-Process $_ -ArgumentList' portion, does that look at the iTunes.msi for all applicable parameters, or is it assuming I know what the parameter is to be specified like you did with "help"?

  • I was able to get this working fine for the Yahoo Search Set so I greatly appreciate the assistance. I struggled a little with how Deploy handles path wildcards. I couldn't use %PROGRAMFILES(x86)% and had to hard code the path instead. It appeared Deploy hard-coded the wildcard. Error here:

    Get-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\windows\AdminArsenal\PDQDeployRunner\service-1\exec%PROGRAMFILES(x86)%\Yahoo!\yset' because it does not exist.

    Regardless, it wasn't a concern. I was using the built-in PowerShell script Step in the package so I adjusted and seems to work great.

    Here is the final script I used as @chrisj so kindly showed us:

    $YahooSearchSet = Get-Item "C:\Program Files (x86)\Yahoo!\yset\*\unset.exe"
    $YahooSearchSet | ForEach-Object {
    Start-Process $_

    This should make uninstalling these types of software much easier in the future.

  • That variable is ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)} in PowerShell. The {} are necessary due to the () in the name. You can see all PowerShell environment variables by running Get-ChildItem env:* | Sort-Object Name.
