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Create note for all devices in a static collection...

I am building a static collection of all workstations that have Avast installed and when I first create the collection I am given the opportunity to enter a reason for the collection such as "Avast X.X removal due to none renewal of district license on 01-20-2019" and it apply to the computers in the collection. All of the computers that I add to that static collection get that entry. Now, if I delete that static collection the computers should keep that log entry from that collection.

I take that group of computers and now split in 2 groups for Staff & Students. Teachers get Microsoft Security Essentials and the Students get Avast. I add the collection note for the Teachers Collection "Install Security Essentials after removal of Avast" and for Students Collection "Install Avast to replace the previous district license".

I can then go to View Computer Details on any Teacher or Student computer and find an option to list "Inventory History" and see the notes showing all of the different static collection based entry's for the system.

Details for workstation Teacher-00135 will show: Job ID 198: Avast X.X removal due to none renewal of district license on 01-20-2019, Job ID 202: Install Security Essentials after removal of Avast, Job ID 205: Install PDQ Inventory Agent, and Job ID 311: Software Maintenance - Install Update for Promethean Resource Center

Details for workstation Student-77501 will show: Job ID 38: Install Mississippi Questar student assessment lock down browser, Job ID 198: Avast X.X removal due to none renewal of district license on 01-20-2019, Job ID 134: Install Avast to replace the previous district license and Job ID 205: Install PDQ Inventory Agent

Details for workstation Teacher-04820 will show: Job ID 38: Install Mississippi Questar student assessment lock down browser, Job ID 134: Install Avast to replace the previous district license, and Job ID 205: Install PDQ Inventory Agent

I would then have the ability to write reports that filter for having a Job ID or not.

I'm currently doing this, somewhat, with a custom field that I have set as a Text value. I enter in this field a Job ID number that comes from my database app that generates the Job ID and a description for the work being done. It will be referenced on all Work Orders and Maintenance Plans for any work that is done by sysadmins using PDQ.

I just find that PDQ does so much work it is like having a team of specialist so I want to track what each specialist did when they were used. Maybe this exist in the system already and I just don't know how to do it. Any thoughts would be appreciated and I don't know where the feature request section is located if this shouldn't belong here.

Thanks KingDean

