Going back to Manage Engine Desktop Central. Gonna miss you PDQ. :-(
Well, I finally give up. I can't keep having to ask PDQ to continually rebuild (or revert to a backup of) my corrupt SQLite databases. It used to be a few times a month, then a few times a week, and now it's daily.
Now I'm having problems even getting the system running to copy my custom deployment installs over to Desktop Central.
I REALLY wanted PDQ to work for us. I LOVE the software (when it works), I've spent a ton of time and a lot of hardware costs on multiple machines to split up the workload but unfortunately nothing I do can overcome the limitations of using SQLite.
Please let me know if you ever decide to offer a solution that will allow your customers to use an Enterprise database. We would be more than happy to pay 10 times the current price for a solution that works.
Let the downvotes rain on me.
please please please see this PDQ gods! I too would like to use an enterprise-class DB.
I'm curious on how many PCs do you have in your environment?
We currently have just over 25,000 endpoints and add around 400 new endpoints a month. A mixture of both Workstations and Laptops over 52 different locations.
If you want to discuss this further please email me at robertbasil@robertbasil.com as I rarely check this community any more, just happened to check in as it's a slow "Read Only" Friday afternoon. 😃