Dynamic Collection for computers with specific folder
Hey guys!
I need to apply an update to machines that have a program called Partner on them. This application doesn't show up in "Programs and Features" as it's a java based program. Each PC that has it will have a C:\Partner folder though. Can someone tell me how to create a Dynamic Collection that shows all PC's in the company that have a folder called Partner in the C drive root?
Thanks so much!!
You will need to add that folder as a Files & Directories Scanner to your Scan Profile.
You could do this as a different scan profile, but if you need to know this for all computers you could also just add it to the Standard scan profile.
Go to Options > Scan Profiles > Standard > Edit > Files & Directories > Edit
Then you will need to add a line in the "Include Pattern(s):" field.
I think you would need to add this: C:\Partner
After that, every subsequent scan will check for the existence of that folder. You can then do a dynamic collection with a value filter like this:
That worked perfectly.
Thanks so much.
This doesn't work for me. Nothing shows up in the collection. I've added the path as a directory to the scan profile.
Have you also successfully ran the updated scan profile on the targets? Compare the output in the Files & Directories tab in Inventory with your filters. You could also generate a report that contains your Files & Directories and use that to create your filters. That makes it easy to see the values that you are filtering on as you go.