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Inventory dynamic collection for multiple version app installation


Advise please how I can perform filtering to create dynamic collection with any two (or more) version of named Application?

For example: how to create dynamic collection with PCs where more than one 7-zip versions at installed app list is present. Any two or more versions while app name starts "7-Zip".




Date Votes
  • Danylo,

    You can probably do this with a SQL report. This will help you start:

  • Thx, Luke,

    I may try do it with SQL. But I need dynamic collection as result, to be able to resolve such situations automatically. Not a report to just know about occasion.

  • Danylo,

    Because 7-Zip includes the version number in the name, the easiest way would be to create a collection as shown below. In my example, I am including any computers that have either 7-Zip version 16.02 or version 19.00 installed. You can add sections as necessary for additional specific versions. 

    If you are looking for a program that doesn't have the version in the name you can do it more like this.

  • Hi Gray,


    7-zip or Java its just a sample. It's obvious solution if I have limited known versions of software. But if I have 5-8 different legid versions of the same program on multiple systems. And what I need is dynamic collection with PCs with more than one equal %software_name% with different %version% so to speak.

  • I may be misunderstanding your need, but dropping the 'application version contains' and just using the 'application name contains' would get you all installations of that software name, regardless of version. You can also identify which computers have a combination of different software names and versions, but to help with the logic for that I would need to know more specifics.
