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Cisco Webex Productivity Tools & Cisco Webex Meetings


When trying to sort through inventory and determine which workstations do not have Cisco Webex products, and no matter what filtering options I select -  the tool does not produce results needed to know which endpoints still need Webex utilities deployed to them.

I am hoping someone has used this tool to do what I am after but after thumbing through online forums I can't find a solution.




Date Votes
  • A simple collection like this will show you products with Cisco in their name. We deploy Cisco WebEx Network Recording Player to most of our machines but it doesn't contain Cisco so I have to look for this instead. Or you could query by Publisher name like the 3rd one here.

  • You'd need to create a report or a collection that would give you those results.

    This should get you started and you'll probably need to tweak it for your environment to exclude devices like servers.



  • I've already done what the guide suggests but for some reason PDQI doesn't pick up Webex.

  • (I'm not too familiar with WebEx so I'm tossing out ideas)


    When you open a record for a PC that you know has these programs installed, are they listed in the Applications?

    If the programs show up in applications, then PDQ is seeing them and there's an issue with the logic in your report/collection.

  • Steve,

    Thank you for your visual representations, this has resolved my original issue. 


