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Application Deployment Images and Windows Path Limit


I'm looking for some guidance on working with the 248/260 character path limit. I am attempting to deploy deployment images for two large applications, AutoCAD 2015 and SOLIDWORKS 2018 using the PDQ Deploy free edition. I have made a deployment image and adding it to my repository with 'Include entire directory' checked. This results in the failed deployment with the path being too long. Because both installers are very large, quite a few directories are over the path limit. I don't feel I can modify these installers to squash the path sizes.

I have been able to deploy just a shortcut or batch file that runs the install over the network, but I would prefer to have the installer copied locally on the machine. The install times are much quicker when ran locally.

Does anyone have a tips when working with deployment images and the path limit?





1 comment
Date Votes
  • I recommend moving your Repository to a shorter path.

    1. Create a folder somewhere, such as "C:\Repo".
    2. Move everything from your current Repository (Options --> Preferences --> Repository) into your new folder.
    3. Put the path to your new folder in the Repository textbox, and Save.