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Need better Scanning Features for things other than WINDOZE...

Dear PDQ Inventory Dev Team, We just purchased PDQ Invewntory and we need the following items to be scanned. Chromebooks and more importantly add the ability of PDQ Inventory to gather information for Network Switches, Routers and other Devices via SNMP. We have used PDQ Deploy for a long time and it is a great program and just added PDQ Inventory to replace Lansweeper. I hope you can consider this important feature as in todays world people are using alot more than just WINDOWS machines on their networks.While the Inventory program is good this would make it TOP SHELVE and you would be able to gather a much larger MARKET SHARE and become a leader in IT Inventory Software. I am hoping you could consider to add an SNMP scanning feature that would allow us to also gather inventory of Network Equipment

Thank you for your consideration.


