Find systems that need DotNet 3.5 only.
My Google-Fu has failed me TERRIBLY... We have a couple of software applications that need DotNet 3.5, even though the systems have 4.5 or higher. I have been unable to find a way to determine computers that don't have that SPECIFIC version. I tried the scans and collections described by Callan Johnstone here:
I initially configured the scan and collection to look for 3.5 as a value. When that didn't work, I configured exactly like he stated, thinking I'd at least find the systems more updated than dotnet 4.6. Dropped it down to 4.5, then 4.0. Nothing. So I have something wrong somewhere...
Here's the scan profile:
And here is my collection:
What did I miss? Any assistance would be helpful. Thanks!
Create a Collection with these Filters:
That worked perfectly - thanks!