Create VMWare Snapshot - PowerShell/PowerCLI - How?
Hi - I'm losing my mind trying to figure this out - any help would be great!
I want to run some PowerShell/PowerCLI steps/commands/installs - whatever - to take a VM snapshot prior to deploying Windows OS Update pakages.
I can run a PowerShell script on the target machine manually and it works.
The script, basically does this:
Import-module vmware.viautomation.core
$Credentials = Get-VICredentialStoreItem - host myvCentre -file <mycredential.xml>
Connect-VIServer -Server myvCentre -user $Credential.user -password $Credential.password
New-Snapshot -VM hostname -Name "Pre-Update Snapshot" -Description "whatever...."
Question - what's the proper way to do this - have the XML and ps1 script already on the target computers and my PDQ step is execute the remote script - or - bake these commands into a PDQ script in PDQ Deploy.