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Upgrade Win 10 computers to 2004

Hi everyone!,


I have a few computer that need upgraded from 1903 and 1909 to 2004, We have done a few manually and worked just fine, however we were wondering if there is a way of doing it via PDQ?.





Date Votes
  • bswanson

    I have 4 steps and the only changes are that the condition is Windows 10 64-bit and timeout is set to 120 minutes.
    I extracted the contents from the latest Windows 10 ISO into a share and gave everyone READ permission.


    • Reboot
    • Sleep 60 seconds
    • Upgrade to WIndows 10 Build 20H2 - CMD Step
      \\<servername>\<sharename>\setup.exe /auto upgrade /quiet /noreboot /DynamicUpdate enable /ShowOOBE none /Compat IgnoreWarning /Telemetry Disable /MigrateDrivers All
    • Reboot


  • Thanks 

    Do you have ScreenShots 

