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Any options for managing Azure AD joined only machines ( WFH / covid-19 )

In a mostly WFH world, we are most likely going to be unjoining our machines form the on-prem AD and have them all just log in and join Azure AD only. 

BUT, we really need something like the agent used to try to provide asap. 

How are you all managing to keep tabs and manage apps and settings on your corporate machines or BYOD machines now sitting in people's homes?






Date Votes
  • Hello,

    We have a product release in BETA currently called PDQ Link to help with remote targets. Please stay tuned for its release date.


  • Sounds great, any beta tester places available? Or a sneak preview of a spec sheet of anticipated features? We are under pressure to make a decision and the window to do it with a PDQ product closes within a few days. Sorry ...  

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