Failed to connect to the Service Manager
Hey community,
I am trying to figure out why the scanning on my VPN connected computers is failing. When I say "Failing" I mean that none of the computer information updates. Affected computers still show the wrong version of an installed software package.
- Inventory version:
- Windows version: 10.0.18362.959
- I can verify that the scans will fail when the server can properly ping and connect to the ADMIN$ share from PDQ Inventory.
- Some, of my VPN connected computers will give the "Failed to connect to the service manager" message, and pass all to the Remote Repair tests.
- Other VPN connected computers show a list of Attempted Scan Dates, but no Successful Scan Dates.
- I can access the ADMIN$ share on all of my VPN connected computers.
- I can verify that both my account, and the PDQ deploy account have admin privileges on the affected computers.
- Scanning works fine on the affected computers when they are brought back into the office.
- Deployments work over the VPN. I only tend to see issues when large files (>20MB) are involved. When this happens, I usually need to copy files via a powershell script rather than depending on PDQ to push or pull the file.
Can anyone give me advice on other settings or items I can check into?
I ran into something similar where Deploy worked properly over VPN, but Inventory did not. It was a firewall issue in my particular case. The handy folks @ PDQ clued me into it before I even thought to look there.
I did a quick test with a separate VPN tunnel and took off much of the 'filtering/blocking' of TCP traffic off. I then added things back one at a time until I isolated the specific setting. I did a whitelist for the at item over VPN (specifically to/from the PDQ server) and all was well again with the world.
Lambert, Chris - Was the issue related to any of the TCP/IP ports in this article?
Obviously the ports are required, but it was not port specific in my case. I would have to reference some notes. The specifics fell out the back of my brain as I shoved other info in.
LOL - I hear ya! Any help would be appreciated.