PDQ Link and an existing VPN
So, it sounds like PDQ Link could help some of us that have remote users get back to scanning / deploying properly again with PDQ Inventory / Deploy.
But we already have a VPN solution implement - via our Meraki MX firewall. However, as is often the case with these things, as PDQ is well aware - it does not always work great with PDQ Inventory / Deploy. We have found settings that make some clients properly update DNS so that PDQ I/D properly get a heartbeat and can scan/deploy, but it seems to not work 100% for all our clients all the time.
PDQ Link claims right in the headline promos that it can create a VPN for you, or work alongside your existing VPN. However, I don't see in the setup documentation or in the FAQ anything about how to make it work with an existing VPN, or what that looks like. All of the documentation seems to make it look like PDQ Link is essentially just a VPN client (using the MS RAS/NPS stuff) and doesn't explain anywhere what to do if you want to keep your existing VPN, but use PDQ Link to somehow make Inventory/Deploy work better again for remote users.
How do we use PDQ Link alongside an existing VPN? What does that look like, in a way that doesn't break your network or add unnecessary overhead?
Ideally, we'd like users still to have to connect to our Meraki VPN to actually access any internal network resources, since that requires username/password authentication.
I see there is a PDQ Link Q&A on YouTube scheduled for the 20th at 11:30am. I'll post my questions in chat during that time. :)
So they sort of hit on this during that PDQ Link Q&A webinar, and the answer was basically:
PS - I see they setup a community forum specific to PDQ Link now, so some mod may wish to move this thread over there.