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Search Deployment list for computer name

I have a schedule that deploys an application to hundreds of computers on a heartbeat. Within the schedule I can look at the target history and see if a machine failed the deployment or not, but it doesn't give me any information on what step it failed on.

If I go to the package for the application I can see dozens of deployments and if I click a particular one I can see which computers failed or succeeded and I can see what step they failed on. If I want to see where one particular computer failed, it seems I have to click one at a time through each of the deployments to find that computer.

Is there a way I can search the list of deployments of a particular package for a specific computer name?



Date Votes
  • You can select multiple deployments with CTRL+A, SHIFT+Click, etc. All targets from the selected deployments will be shown in the bottom panel.

  • Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!
