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Replace Classic Shell with Open Shell

I am requesting that the Classic Shell package be replaced with Open Shell. 

From to Open Shell on Github:


they have changed the install to support silent installs in current release.


 ge0rdi released this on Nov 13, 2019 · 11 commits to master since this release



I was able to do a drop in replacement of the current Classic Shell package and it seemed to install fine.

File: $(Repository)\IvoSoft\Classic Shell\OpenShellSetup_4_4_142.exe

Params: /qn

Success Codes: 0,1641,3010



1 comment
Date Votes
  • As Classic Shell isn't in active development anymore since 2017, I'm very interested in the opinion of the PDQ team, if there will be some decision made, to replace a 4 year old program in the package library.
