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Modifying the applications (old) report to only include computers from a static collection

I have a static collection of computers called Test Group.  I've tried every way I can think of so that only those computers show up in the report.  I've added it as a value filter, a group filter, i've tried All, Any, Not All, Not any.  I've tried contains, does not contain, equals, does not equal.  i've tried the full name of the collection and as in the screenshot below a partial name of the collection.

I'm sure i'm missing something but every time i run the report it comes up blank.

As I said this is a modification of the built in Applications (Old) report - at least I think it comes built in.  It's been a while.  Anyways - if I remove those line items from the filter all of the computers listed in collections with old in them show up.  But i only want the computers in the Test Group collection to show up.

Any suggestions?



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  • Got it figured out... this happens to me all the time.  I'll post a question on a forum because I've given up.  Then I'll not be able to let it go and keep hacking away.  Usually figuring it out a few minutes later.  This one might be a record for me.  :/

    I had to choose computer, collection, is member, test group.  

    I'm leaving the question in case it helps anyone else out.
